Thursday, February 16, 2006

As If the Middle East Wasn't Weird Enough

Now there's Rampant Antisemitic Vampirism and Reverse Oedipulism

For Haaretz
By Nadav Shragai

"We are a blood-drinking people and we know that there is no better blood than Jewish blood."


The new governors of the Palestinian Authority are apparently connoisseurs .

They entertain some refreshing new concepts concerning Family Values as well:

"The video also shows a good-bye scene between mother and son as he gets ready to leave for the attack, with the mother helping him put on the explosive vest..."

Children blow up so quickly these days...

Seriously: read this in conjunction with the previous post. If this isn't blowback, then the concept has no meaning. Its irrational and demented... but also predictable.


Blogger Leroy's Mom said...

Hi Big E!

I thought of you the other day as I was reading a story in the a.m. paper. I'm still desperately searching for the quote, but the dh is much too effecient about recycling, so I'll have to give the gist of it.

They were doing an interview with someone form Hamas, and he said something along the lines of, the U.S. will now have no choice but to recognize us because we have used democracy to gain power like they told us to.

I guess this guy hasn't read about U.S. policy in Central and South America. I pity his ignorance, really I do.

5:33 AM, February 18, 2006  

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