Friday, November 17, 2006

Nanny State: American Version

Belmont to be first U.S. city to ban all smoking

Including anyplace that is not a detached single fanily home. This is, of course, nuts. This is also peculiarly American - we legislate away behavior that we don't like.

Example: here in Minnesota the Guv'ner has arrived at a solution that will provide Universal Health Insurance to all. He wants to make it illegal not to have health insurance.

The San Mateo Times article is telling. This whole catastrophe was triggered by some old fart who wanted to sue his neighbors for smoking. That's us my friends. Anytime we have an issue with a neighbor, we, in essence, call the cops.

Poor, sick, and uninsured? Damn well better not seek help in Minnesota - you'll get stuck with the full sticker price for treatment plus a fine.

Given to enjoying the occassional cigar in the privacy of your apartment? You're outa luck in Belmont. There's some geezer down the street who's primed to report you to the authorities.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is not true about smoking a cigar in your apartment. The San Mateo law will allow you to smoke in any single-family detached residence. So all you have to do is make sure there is no other family living in your apartment, then detach it from the rest of the building using a chainsaw or what have you. Then smoke up to your heart's content, although I should add that smoking greatly increases your risk of heart disease.

That is to say, quit your bitchin'.

8:46 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for this amazing bit of news from the homefront.


2:16 PM, November 24, 2006  

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